Saturday, November 29, 2008

We Made It

Well, we made it through Friday! Garrett was such a trooper at the hospital. Jeff had a hard time when he had to hold Garrett when they put him to sleep because he fought it. Today he is playing better and says that his ears just hurt "a wittle bit". We are so proud of him.

Aislinn is fighting a cold. She has a slight fever today. Her teeth are coming in like crazy and she is walking around the house with her walker like she is a pro. It is just a matter of time before she is off and running! We were hoping to start getting some of the Christmas stuff up today, but with my arm still in stitches, we will have to wait another week or so. Who would have thought it would take so long to heal. I should know this week what exactly the lump was that they removed and the stitches come out on Thursday we hope!

We got to go and see Baby Ava this weekend. She is so precious! Tricia looks wonderful and makes pregnancy and delivery look like child's play. I am so proud of her! You can tell that she and Brian love that little girl! We will have some pictures posted sometime this week. I have not had time to get pictures of Aislinns room yet either. Not enough hours in the day!

We are so thankful for our families. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving getting to see Grandma Marie and Auntie Marce and then getting to spend time with Jeff's Aunts and Uncles and cousins. We are surrounded by great family!

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