Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays

YES!! We made it! 2009 is right around the corner and we are hopeful for an uneventful year. We can always try anyhow! Where did that last month go? We started off with Garrett recovering from his tubes, we thought. Two ear infections later, we found out that one of the tubes is in crooked. We go back to the specialist on the 9th of January to see what they say. Aislinn Marie continues to amaze us at every turn. She is standing on her own and pushes herself away from things just to will be a matter of time until those first steps are taken and once again life will change. She just had her 9 month check up and once again she is in the 100 percentile for height and weight. 25lbs and 31 2/2" long! She is only 6 inches shorter than Garrett!

We had another wonderful and blessed holiday season this year. We had an early Christmas with my immediate family on Dad's birthday. The boys go to go to the ACES and fly a jet simulation while we girls shopped. It is always great when we get to see Cody and Kel and Brian and Dee. Then Christmas eve with The Andersons! Always fun and chatioc! Susie and Ryan and Jude where home for a week so that was nice. The kids got spoiled as usual and it was a joy to see Christmas through the eyes of Garrett and Malia. Then that evening our favorite time with the Scheibel side of the family. We are so blessed that all of the cousins and aunts and uncles get together. It is loud and crazy and wonderful! We now have 5 great grandchildren on this side of the family!

Christmas day is always special. We have the morning with our family and Garrett was so excited that Santa came! What a miracle! It was so amazing for Jeff and I to see the excitement. Then we get to go to the nursing home with my Grandma and aunts. It is so bittersweet because we know that Grandma may not be with us next year so we are sure to get that quaity time and memories in. Auntie Marce is so wonderful and does such a great job getting it all organized. We love the family time that we get to spend together, I was sad that the rest of the family did not make it this year as it is probably the last Christmas that we would all have together with Grandma.

Then on Friday we got to celebrate Malia's 3rd birthday! She has a Christmas Day birthday and so the presents she did get! I cannot believe that it was her 1st birthday with the famiy. She just fits right in with everyone. Auntie Shelley is doing a great job raising her.

With all of the changes in our lives in 2008 we are so thankful for our health and our families. God has truly blessed us!

1 comment:

karleebeth said...

Glad you had a good Christmas. Talk to you soon?