Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Garrett's nose goblins part 2

Gross story warning...

So Garrett had a stuffed up nose yesterday after dinner. He couldn't blow it out so he decided to fish it out himself. At first I tried to stop him but gave up. I told him he at least had to make sure he put it on a kleenex before we washed his hands. He was fine with the deal. Anyway, he went to bed good at 8:30 and was asleep for about an hour. At 9:30 I was finishing reading my Stephen King short story and was about to turn off my light. I hear Garrett's bedroom door open and him walking in. He walks quietly up to my side of the bed. He has his thumb and pointer finger pinching something. He proclaims, "Daddy, I have a booger for you.". I told him to wait a minute to find a kleenex to put it on. He wiped it on the kleenex and I told him thank you for bring it in. He said, "thank you, daddy". And quietly walked back to his room, slowly shut his door and went back to sleep.

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